Our Story
Our natural body products are as effective as any other non-natural product in the market. Our underarm deodorants last all day, our new foaming facial cleanser has all the right ingredients to clean your face and leave it feeling soft and cared for, our body butters are as thick and as luxurious and perhaps even more moisturising as some of the well known butters out there and our serums, well, our serums are simply sensational!
The best part of it all - our products have no artificial colours, oils or smells. No preservatives, no parabens and no toxins of any kind! Feel free to click here to see a full list of all the ingredients we use in our products.
Trust us, we love your skin as much as we love ours. We only use our products and we have loads of very happy customers who return again and again...and again.
Choose Natural. Choose Shop Greer.
All Ingredients for our natural products acquired from our friends at: